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Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to us
Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal information has always been a fundamental principle in our business relationships. We want you to know that Sapphire Canada adheres to privacy legislation that governs what information may be collected, how it is used and how it is protected. This Privacy Statement explains our privacy policies and information handling practices.

Protecting your privacy means:
  • We keep your personal information and the business you do with us in strict confidence
  • We do not sell your personal information
  • You have control over how we obtain, use, and give out personal information about you
  • You have reasonable access to the personal information we have about you
  • We respect your privacy when we market our services

Why we collect personal information
We collect information in order to represent you for employment opportunities with our clients, to carry out contests or surveys, to administer our web site, and to provide information about our services. We understand that some of this information is personal. We collect, use and disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. The information we will collect from you includes, but is not limited to:

  • Your personal profile via your resume and information supplied by you
  • Your employment preferences, such as work location, salary, and other personal factors important to you
You can visit our web site without sharing any personal information. While visiting our site, you may choose to provide information in the form of a resume or by creating a profile using our online Career Manager tool. In order to be considered for opportunities with our clients, you may choose to provide references. While using our web site, you may choose to provide personal information in order to enter a contest or complete a survey.

What we do with personal information
When you provide personal information to us in the form of a resume, references, complete a profile using our Career Manager tool, or by participating in a contest or survey, the information will be stored in our secure database. We may use your personal information to:

  • Match your profile against our clients’ requirements
  • Contact you regarding profile matches
  • Contact and obtain information about you from references supplied by you (upon your approval, see Your Information is Obtained or Used Only With Your Consent)
  • Provide your information to clients (upon your approval, see Your Information is Obtained or Used Only With Your Consent)
  • Carry out contests and/or surveys
  • Improve our site and, where applicable, the services we offer
  • We may send you information about our company and promotional material from some of our partners from time to time. If you have concerns about receiving occasional communication from us, please contact our Privacy Officer.
  • Demographic data collected while visiting our site is used to tailor your experience at our site and to display content that we think you might be interested in. We also use this data to learn more about the demographics of our site visitors and to refine our marketing plans.
  • For other similar or related purposes that are reasonably necessary for the proper management of Sapphire Canada’s business.

Sapphire Canada consultants/placements
When you are placed with one of our clients, we will collect additional information in order to complete the placement process. In addition, we will survey you to ensure that we are offering our consultants the best possible opportunities and to provide our clients with constructive feedback. We will survey clients to verify and confirm the information we currently have in your file and to ensure our consultants are consistently meeting client expectations.

Please note that all active contract consultants will receive communication from Sapphire Canada containing pertinent information related to current placements.

Your information is obtained and used only with your consent
We want to assure you that any personal information you provide to Sapphire Canada will remain completely confidential until you request otherwise, unless required by law. We do not sell or provide candidate or client information to third parties. We will always obtain your authorization to contact references and we will always contact you via email or telephone before we submit your profile to a client requirement.

Your consent can be express or implied
Express consent can be verbal or written. You imply consent when we reasonably conclude that you have given consent by some action you have taken, or when you decide not to take action. For example, by providing your contact information, profile or other personal information to a recruitment specialist or through our web site, you are granting your consent to allow Sapphire Canada to use your profile information in the matching process, and to contact you regarding any such matches.

You can withdraw your consent after you’ve given it
While we would like your consent to continue to collect and use your information as outlined above, we want you to know that you do have choices. In addition, you can request to have your information removed from our database, or opt out of receiving optional future mailings at any time by contacting our Privacy Officer.

We protect your information from error, loss, and unauthorized access
Our employees who have access to your information are made aware of how to keep it confidential. Each employee is governed by policies regarding information handling. Only employees who require access to your information in the course of their duties will have access to your information.

We respect the confidential information that we receive from others and therefore will not release any personal information provided to us by third parties without their explicit authorization.

As a member of the Sapphire Canada online community, you have access to your own information, information about positions that match your profile, plus additional information and tools. Select Sapphire Canada personnel have password-protected access to your information. Authorized client/employer contacts are able to view candidate information without seeing your identity. No client/employer contact may view your personal information (identity or contact information) without your prior permission.

You can see and verify the accuracy of your information
You can update your personal information at any time through our web site or by contacting Privacy Officer.

If you would like access to the personal information we have on file for you, we will ask you to put your request in writing. You will be given reasonable access to your personal information to verify or correct information. Every effort will be made to respond to your inquiry within 30 days. There may be circumstances where Sapphire Canada will not provide you with access or may require additional time to meet your request, in which case you will be informed.

Links to other sites
Our site may contain links to other sites that we think you might be interested in. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other sites.

Our site uses cookies to keep track of user sessions. We use cookies to deliver content specific to your choice of language. Cookies improve functionality and in some cases, provide visitors with a customized online experience.

Password protection
Portions of our web site are password protected to help safeguard your information. When you complete your registration, you will create a password in order to access portions of the site. Sapphire Canada reserves the right to change passwords at any time to protect the security of our site. We require that you keep confidential the password you select for accessing our site. We require that you email us immediately at Customer Support if you feel that your password has been compromised. If you forget your password, email us and we will issue a reminder of your password via email.

Resolving your concerns, inquiries, or listening to your suggestions is important to us
In order to continually monitor and strengthen our privacy procedures, we have appointed a Privacy Officer who can be contacted through our head office at 416.962.9262 or 1.800.540.3594. Please contact our Privacy Officer if you have any questions about privacy that were not answered above. We welcome your suggestions.

Changes to this privacy statement
Sapphire Canada reserves the right to modify or supplement our privacy statement at any time. If we make any changes, we will update this site to include such changes and post a notice on our home page for a period of 30 days, with a link to the updated privacy statement. If you return to this site after a period of more than 30 days, please check this privacy statement to confirm you are familiar with the most recent update. Your continued use of the site will constitute your consent to the changes, including use of personal information previously provided, as if they were the initial terms. However, we will seek your consent if we want to use your personal information for purposes other than those agreed to previously.
© 2009, Sapphire Canada. All rights reserved. a Randstad company